Do Dental Implants Hurt?

February 8, 2024
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Have you recently visited the dentist and learned that they recommend you receive a dental implant? If so, there are likely many questions running through your mind, not the least of which is whether or not the process of getting a dental implant will hurt.

The aim of this article is to provide a definitive answer about how much pain is involved with this dental procedure. After we clarify that point, we’ll dive right into answering some of the other most commonly asked questions about what dental implants are, how they work, and what you can expect after getting one. 

Will You Feel Pain During and After Receiving a Dental Implant?

Whether or not you’ll feel pain associated with your dental implant depends on the stage of the process. For instance, the sensations that you’ll experience during the dental implant surgery are far different than those you’ll feel afterward. 

During a dental implant surgery, your dentist will numb your mouth. Once your mouth is numb, you’ll feel little to no sensation at all while the surgery takes place. The power of those numbing agents is effective enough to allow you to remain calm and comfortable despite dental implant surgery being somewhat invasive. 

With that said, the numbness will eventually wear off after the surgery is over. Once that numbness is gone, you’ll likely experience considerable tenderness and pain in the area of your mouth where the surgery took place. 

Fortunately, your dentist will likely prescribe you medication to help mitigate that pain. Eventually, the pain that results from dental implant surgery will subside as your mouth heals. Once that happens, pain medication will no longer be necessary, and your mouth will feel normal and pain-free once again. 

What is the Purpose of a Dental Implant?

While the main purpose of this article is to alert you to the pain you can feel after receiving a dental implant, there is a possibility that you have minimal knowledge of what a dental implant is at all. 

A dental implant is a device that consists of a small post that replaces the original root of your tooth. By inserting that post into your jaw and attaching an abutment and a crown, dental implant surgery proves to be one of the most effective and long-lasting ways to replace a damaged, rotted, missing tooth. 

What Happens During a Dental Implant Surgery?

Now that you understand the basics of what a dental implant is let’s discuss some of the details of what goes on during a dental implant surgery. Understanding this process will help you know what to expect when the time comes for you to undergo this operation. 

Dental implant surgery begins with the administration of anesthesia to ensure that your mouth remains numb throughout the entire process. Next, your dentist will make an incision into your gums where the implant will be implanted. Once the incision is made, your dentist will use a drill to create additional space in your jawbone for the implant. 

Once there is enough space in your jawbone, your dentist will place the implant inside and stitch your gums to close the incision. After the post is in place, your dentist can attach an abutment and a crown that looks just like a natural tooth. In many cases, the placement of the abutment and the crown will take place at a follow-up appointment. 

Are there Different Types of Dental Implants?

If you are new to dental implants, it’s probable that you do not know that there are multiple types of implants you can receive. In fact, your dentist is likely to recommend one of the three following dental implant types

  1. Endosteum Dental Implants: This is the most common type of implant, which consists of a screw that attaches to the jawbone along with an abutment and a crown. 
  2. Subperiosteal Dental Implants: These implants use a metal post that inserts through your gums to hold a tooth in place. 
  3. Single-Tooth Dental Implants: As the name suggests, these implants replace a single tooth in your mouth. 
  4. Multiple-Tooth Dental Implants: Dentists are also capable of creating implants that can replace multiple teeth at once. 

Ultimately, the decision of which type of dental implant you should receive is up to your dentist and you. However, by learning about these different dental implant types, you’ll be better prepared to discuss your options with your dentist and make a more informed decision about what is best for your mouth. 

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

One of the most amazing aspects of dental implants is their longevity. An average dental implant will last for multiple decades. In fact, many patients who receive dental implants won’t need to replace them for the rest of their lives. 

Do Dental Implants Hurt? 1

Who Can Benefit from Dental Implants?

Another fantastic aspect of dental implants is that they are a useful solution for a wide range of dental patients. For example, dental implants can be the right choice for those who have experienced an injury that broke part or all of a tooth. Simultaneously, dental implants are also an option for those who have experienced significant tooth decay. 

There are plenty of other scenarios in which a dentist may suggest getting a dental implant. Still, the only way to know if one is right for you is to consult a dental team in your area that you can trust to make the right decision for your smile. 

Are You In Need of a Dental Implant?

Are you a resident of Highlands Ranch, CO, or the surrounding areas who is in need of a dental implant or any other dental service? If so, Cottonwood Dental Group invites you to visit our website to learn more about what we can provide. 

We would love the opportunity to meet you and get to know your unique dental needs. After meeting with our team, we’ll be ready to recommend and provide dental implants or any other dental healthcare treatment you may need.
